Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Moonie Attempt to take over America

Opus Dei, Al Queda, Falun Gong, Tibetan Buddism, the Nazi Party, and Hezbollah, appear to be associated with the Moonie Church of North Korean, Reverend Sung Yung Moon. Reverend Moon has been interfering with American politics since the Nixon administrationl. One strategy of the Moonies has been to take control of American universities and higher education. For example, alleged Moonie law professor, Robert C. Power (Bob Power), apparently has helped to implement the Moonie takeover of Bridgeport University and Law School. Then, Bob Power went to Widener University and Law School, and seemingly is working to make Widener a Moonie University as well, teaching neonazi, authoritarian, crap. It is said that Robert Power is the reincarnation of the old west, scumbag outlaw, Robert LeGross, and before that King Louis VI, Robert LeGross, Louis the Fat, a corrupt, vile, monarch, who attempted to wrongfully destroy the House of Normandy in France. It also may be that Widener Law School Dean, and now Saint Thomas (MN) school Dean, Douglas E. Ray, is the designated replacement for Reverend Sung Yung Moon, as the fuhrer of the Moonies. It appears that Douglas E. Ray was raised in North Korea, and South Africa, and is in the KCIA, the North Korean Communist Intelligence Agency, trying to make himself nazi dictator of America.
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

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