Thursday, July 14, 2011

The American Militia-The 7th Army Air Corps

101 Airborne Division, Band of Brothers

The Perpetual Charter of the 7th Army, Nebraska Territorial Militia-The Territorial Militia of the Kingdom of New France in America, the American Militia-The United States Army Air Corps and its Divisions.

The American Militia is the 7th Army Air Corps, also known as the 7th Army, which is the Nebraska Territorial Militia, and the Territorial Militia of the Kingdom of New France in America, House of Stuart, that is, George Custer's 7th Army Cavalry, which has the following Divisions:

1. 7th Airborne Ranger Division

2. 101st Airborne Division

3. 82nd Airborne Division

4. 7th G2 Military Intelligence Division (OSS Office of Strategic Services)

5. 7th Counter Espionage Division (NSA National Security Agency)

6. 7th JAG Division (Judge Advocate General Division)

7. 7th Psychological Warfare Division

8. 7th Occult Warfare Division

9. 7th Multidimensional Warfare Division

10. 7th Logistics Division

11. 7th Tactics and Strategy Division

12. 7th Special Forces Division (Speznae)

13. 7th Space Corps Division

14. 7th Armored Division

15. 7th Air Cavalry Division

16. 7th Army Air Corps Division

17. 7th Air Force Division

18. 7th Territorial Marshal's Division

19. 7th Drone Remote Control Aircraft Division

20. 7th Space Marshall's Division

The 7th Army and its Divisions are the Nebraska Territorial Militia operating under the United States Territorial Constitution of 1781, the Lousiana Purchase Treaty, the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681, the Declaration of Independence, and the House of Stuart, King Louis XIV the Kingdom of New France in America, Immortal-Multidimensional-Immortal. The 7th Army American Militia has as its primary duty the Defense of America, and it is not bound by The Rules of War, nor is it bound by the Hague Conventions on Warfare. Thus, the 7th Army can engage in irregular military tactics and strategy, and it can operate in the United States of Amrcica without violating the Constitution of 1789, and without violating the Federal Posse Comitatus Act. Additonally, all member of the 7th Army are techinically civilians, and are entitled to full Substantive and Procedural Due Process protections, and are entitled to disobey an unreasonable or illegal order. Thus, all members of the 7th Army-The American Militia are techinically contract employees of the 7th Army. The Home Base of the 7th Army is Offut Air Force Base and The Strategic Air Command (SAC) Base located in Sarpy County and Douglas County Nebraska.

Perpetual (C) Copyright (2011 C.E.) and (P)Patent (2011 C.E.) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., (PA), King Louis XIV Immortal-Multidimensional-Immortal-The Kingdom of New France in America, and The People of Nebraska and The People of The United States of America as a Perpetual Public Domain Copyright and Patent.


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